You are capable of doing amazing things, of achieving all of your hopes, dreams and goals
and living the life you want to live. You were born with this ability. So what happened?
Life happened. Along the way, you picked up a few limiting beliefs, behaviors and some
negative thoughts. It happens to everyone. The good news is there’s something you can do
about it. Here are a few tips and suggestions to begin to unlock your potential.
Step One. Recognize negative thoughts. We all have negative thoughts. We think things
like, “I’m bad with money or I’m just no good at _____” all the time. We do it
automatically, without thinking. So the first step is to begin to filter these negative
thoughts. Start to recognize them. When you do recognize them, change them to be positive
thoughts. For example, “I’m good with money or I am good at ________”
If that feels too forced then consider letting the negative thoughts go. For example, you
can say to yourself, “I have had some trouble with money in the past but I’m looking forward
now and am good with money now.”
This strategy enables you to let go of your past mistakes, and believe me everyone has made
mistakes, and to positively focus on the future and what you’re capable of.
Step Two. Assess your strengths. Have you ever noticed that if you receive 10 compliments
in one day and one criticism, you focus on the criticism? It’s our nature to focus on the
negative and the areas where we’re not so strong. However, focusing on our strengths is
much more productive and quite honestly your strengths are where you’re going to achieve
your success. So let those weaknesses go, ignore the criticism, and be proud of who you
Step Three. Be grateful. You may have heard this one too many times however gratitude
really is a tremendous success tool. When you’re grateful for what you have and for the
mistakes and lessons you learn, then you’re 100 times more powerful. Gratitude not only
helps you take a positive approach to almost everything you do, it affects how people
respond to you. They’ll be significantly more likely to help you, to want to work with you,
or to buy from you if you radiate a positive and grateful glow.
Step Four. Visualize what you want. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want and to
visualize success right down to the nitty gritty details. Visualization is a powerful
process used by the most successful business owners in the world, by athletes, and by
spiritual leaders everywhere. Visualization helps your mind and body perform as if you’ve
already succeeded.
Step Five. Let go. Let go of limiting beliefs, or the idea that you can’t do something,
that success isn’t possible or that you’re just not cut out for it. When a limiting belief
comes up, for example, the rich get richer, is a limiting belief if you’re not already what
you would consider rich, right? Explore why you have that belief and if you really believe
it to be true. If you don’t, let it go, it’s holding you back from achieving the success
you desire.
When you’re able to clear away negative thoughts and limiting beliefs and embrace your
strengths and your ability to visualize and accomplish your goals, nothing can stop you.
You really are capable of achieving anything you set your heart and mind to.